Sunday, October 11, 2015

With any job it can be difficult to balance work and family or me time. But as a business owner, as most of us plan to be, it can be near impossible to find the perfect balance between the two. It is my personal goal to create a productive work environment along with a healthy family life. I do not want to say I sacrificed optimizing my career because I was not dedicated, nor do I want to look back and see that I missed my children growing up or missed memories with my spouse because I was so involved with work. I hope to proudly state one day that I was able to balance the two to the best of my ability. In researching this topic, I found an article written by Jessica N. Ernst that gave me hope for achieving my goal. As a wife, mother of two, freelance copywriter, editor, and small business owner she has discovered tips in order to find this happy medium. I found these tips to be beneficial and well worth the challenge and the effort to do them. Attached below is a link to her blog and article explaining these five tips that aided her in balancing two important aspects in her life.

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