Sunday, October 25, 2015

Many times a business will overlook a "minor" problem and instead focus on bigger obligations. However, often times they are losing business because of this minor aspect because their customers are noticing. For example, my family and I have chose to not stop at many restaurants or stores because of unclean bathrooms or strange parking arrangements. Even though the food may be amazing or the store may have excellent customer service we still chose not to go and do business there because of lack of convenience. A business needs to not only focus on bigger problems but also look at details of the every day routine and ensure that customers are getting the convenience they desire. A lot of times the lack of attention to detail costs the restaurant or store business that they would have had otherwise.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Many organizations make many mistakes when running a business because of their pricing techniques. In my opinion, Chick-fil-a is a prime example of how businesses should handle these type of situations. For example, they are one of the more expensive fast food chains but they always have plenty of customers each time I visit. This is because they have found something that customers value more than a "dollar menu".  Chick-fil-a has invested in training their employees to provide great customer service. Each time a customer shows gratitude for the service they are given, an employee quickly responds with "my pleasure". This makes the customers feel appreciated and taken care of and even though they may pay a little more for a chicken sandwich they are happy to spend the money and invest in the business.
If businesses will focus more on attracting and keeping customers by making them feel like they are really appreciated and valued, customers will enjoy their experience and want to keep returning. But if a business neglects this aspect and instead focuses on lower prices then they will lose customers when the business is forced to raise prices.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

With any job it can be difficult to balance work and family or me time. But as a business owner, as most of us plan to be, it can be near impossible to find the perfect balance between the two. It is my personal goal to create a productive work environment along with a healthy family life. I do not want to say I sacrificed optimizing my career because I was not dedicated, nor do I want to look back and see that I missed my children growing up or missed memories with my spouse because I was so involved with work. I hope to proudly state one day that I was able to balance the two to the best of my ability. In researching this topic, I found an article written by Jessica N. Ernst that gave me hope for achieving my goal. As a wife, mother of two, freelance copywriter, editor, and small business owner she has discovered tips in order to find this happy medium. I found these tips to be beneficial and well worth the challenge and the effort to do them. Attached below is a link to her blog and article explaining these five tips that aided her in balancing two important aspects in her life.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

As we run our business, we will be faced with the need to market our product. Did you know that the color(s) you choose will play a vital role in your marketing success? In fact, each color has a psychological explanation and meaning behind it and can cause a positive influence or a negative influence in the mind of your potential clients and customers. In other words, a choice as simple as picking the color of the font or sign used to market your product, holds the power to make or break your success. That simple choice may no longer seem so simple anymore. In the link below is a list of all of the psychological meanings of colors and how to combine colors in order to reach success. In my opinion, we as entrepreneurs need to be very aware of this fun fact and learn how to properly align colors to improve our chances of success.